Western Arctic National Parklands Residency Day 27: Kotzebue, AK

We had a lazy day for the most part.  I worked on photos a little and did some preliminary packing to be ready for my trip home in a few days.  We headed down the beach on the four wheeler in the late afternoon, stopping before we got to Lavonne's fish camp.  Tyler built a fire while Cassia and I poked around in the rocks for treasures.  We had a snack, including some fabulous roasted venison sausage from Tyler's brother in Wisconsin.  After a couple hours we packed up to make our way back, and passed Cassia's parents on their way out to meet us.  We all continued up the beach toward town, stopping a little past the wreckage of an old barge to collect beach glass.  While hunting, I spotted some small vertebrae, and looking further up the embankment (something I was trained to do in Badlands when hunting for fossils), I found more bone protruding from the soil just under the grass line.  I asked Tyler whose vertebrae  it was, his guess was dog because this is where people take their dogs who have passed on.  He got to digging, out of curiosity, and eventually got to the skull confirming that it was a very old dog.

After accumulating a good stash of glass, we continued north along the beach and through South Tent City, a long stretch of fish camps that are used seasonally when people go and stay at camp to catch a good supply of salmon and other fish, and then prepare and hang them to dry so they keep through the long winter.  The variety of structure styles is lovely in its way, with the ocean behind and the rough dirt road in front.

We continued back to the house, I biked to the grocery store for some ingredients, and then we made dinner.

At the beach (Chukchi Sea, Arctic Ocean), Cape Krusenstern in the far distance.

I found several examples of this here, and a couple days ago when I was at Cape Krusenstern: a sea sponge growing off of a mussel shell.  The same mussel shell has barnacles, too.  

A strange looking jelly fish.

Bones eroding from the soil.

Tyler digging to find the rest of the skeleton.

Found the skull.  Significant wear on the teeth indicates a very old dog.

Tyler found this brass button on the beach, it's a WWII Navy's officer's button.

Approaching South Tent City.

Along South Tent City.

Back in town, taking the scenic route home from the grocery store.

Sunset.  I could never get enough of being able to walk a block to see this each night.